The web is full of web hosting companies, and it is not surprising as it is the web hosting that powers the web. However, selecting the right host is not easy. A simple search will reveal a large number of web hosting providers, and it is difficult for a newbie to even count this number, let alone select a suitable one. Even reading reviews is not a certain way to find the best one. Many of these reviewers have vested interest in certain companies. If you are new to the web hosting and just want to have a website, consider one of the following web hosts for startups.
- InMotion Hosting
InMotion Hosting is a very respectable name in the industry. There are certain reasons for choosing this web host for startups. First, InMotion Hosting offers solid customer support. When you are new to creating and hosting websites, you will need to contact customer support at least once in a while, if not very often. As your experience grows, you will be able to sort out the things by yourself. Second, its plans start from quite basic ones. If you are a startup and looking for a solution, it is not wise to buy an expensive package that is a lot more than your current needs.
As far as the most usual factors are concerned, InMotion Hosting does not fall short. It has good speed, huge capacity and bandwidth, and very good uptime.
- SiteGround
SiteGround is another reputed name, officially supported by It scores well in all standard features like speed, disk capacity, bandwidth, and uptime. As a web host for startups, it offers excellent support, and you can reach a customer support executive within a couple of minutes. It has basic plans suitable for startups and you can start without spending a lot.

Thomas is a home improvement blogger who strives to improve his life and the lives of others. He provides homeowners with helpful tips on how to renovate their homes. His goal is not only to provide easy-to-follow instructions, but also share his own personal experiences for those seeking guidance.