Sun is shining, temperature is finally up, and your garden is a mess. You have been locked up in your house the whole winter, and while you were surrounded with deep layer of snow, you completely forgot what it was underneath. Now, that it has finally melted, it is high time you took care of your garden and prepared it for the warm season that is to come. As you cannot just purchase the seeds and plant them whenever and wherever you want, we have a couple of tips for you how to properly do your gardening, so that your plants can bloom, and reach their full potential.
1. Take it Easy
The biggest mistake most people make is starting with their gardening too early. No matter if you have prepared the garden in November for winter to come or not, it is too late now and you cannot do anything at least until the snow melts completely, and that annoying spring rain in March passes. Only then can you think about this season gardening. Before you start, what you have to do if you want to plant the seed is to find out when and in which kind of ground plants you were meaning to grow bloom best. If the soil is wet, it will not allow enough air to the seed, so only when it is almost completely dry should you start digging, as then there will be enough air spaces in the ground.
2. Test It
Now, if you are not an experienced gardener, it might be tricky for you to test if the ground is wet enough to work with the soil. But do not worry, it is really simple. All you have to do is pick up a fair amount of dirt in your hand and squeeze it so that you turn it into a ball-like shape. If, instead, it scatters and starts falling of the palm of your hand, it means that it is dry enough to work with it. So do not be impatient, if spring came a bit late, and it has been raining more than it usually does at that time of the year, it probably means that you will have to wait just a little bit more for the right moment. Your patience will definitely pay off, as if you decide to plant too early, you will probably not get the results that you have expected.
3. Baby Steps
However, you cannot immediately start planting, even if the ground has passed the ‘dry’ test. A really important step in gardening is the preparation of soil and making it fertile for whatever seeds you were planning to plant. That is why you need a good compost to provide the earth with the organic matter that is nutrient rich, so it could handle the water better and nourish the plants. You can hit the nearest store and buy everything you need, or you can decide to go green and do your own home composting.
4. Grab the Tools
Finally, what every gardener needs are a garage or a shed, where he or she keeps his gardening equipment. You need to realize that it is not possible to handle everything just with your bare hands, so make sure that you need proper garden tools to help you work the soil. First thing you might need are rakes, as there might be some unwanted roots, rocks, and leftovers from last-season plants, and getting rid of them will not be easy. Next, after you have cleaned the ground, you will need to take a shovel and start digging and creating wholes in which you will plant the seeds. Also, whenever you need to turn the soil when it is too dry, you can use digging fork to assist you. Final, inevitable tool that every gardener and homeowner needs is a hose, or sprinklers. You never know what kind of summer to expect, so always be prepared to water your plants, as they need regular hydration to grow.
So you see that it is not just about planting whatever you feel like, and waiting for it to grow and decorate your garden while you are sitting in the shade enjoying the beautiful weather. You need to know when exactly the right time is to plant, what can grow in your environment, and of course, what are the right tools that will help you along the way.
Provided by 32 Ways to Amplify Curb Appeal for Selling Your Home

Thomas is a home improvement blogger who strives to improve his life and the lives of others. He provides homeowners with helpful tips on how to renovate their homes. His goal is not only to provide easy-to-follow instructions, but also share his own personal experiences for those seeking guidance.